Rue has the true name of the planelord hidden in her head. Mozam has decided to go the route of breaking the planelord down into multiple batteries for multiple devices. It’s 1. the most permanent solution. 2. Multiple magic items, no one big evil ego. 3. Most badass solution, and 4. the one the demon lord would hate the most.
Next steps: Discuss with Turi
|> Juniper at Tarai – he found a guy who wants to absorb the demon lord – HARD NOPE; and another guy who needs a demon servant to power a big ass machine of some kind. Probably nope.
A (May 14th-21ish yr 3)- Tarai recommended saving a Yttro favor but I can’t remember for what. He also said that he was looking into breaking the demon down into powerpoints and that my next step was to give him some more time and then check back in.
Next steps: Give Tarai Sometime
|> Tarai suggested you should hold an Yttro favor in reserve in case you need him to find a sufficiently strong demon binder.
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