Recognizing that my operations were quickly outgrowing my ability to manage them personally I considered starting a mage guild. The problem was mages are typically easy to detect for someone who knows what to look for. Many of my oops require a light touch and involve intelligence gathering, so assets other than mages are required. I started calling it a Cabal as a joke, although it’s starting to become a fitting moniker as various operations require autonomy from other operations, and substantial risk can be averted by keeping the member list selective and secret, even from other members.
|> I like the typo “oops” instead of “ops”
|> Delamar says the name of your cabal should be “There is no cabal” because “you don’t need to know the name of the cabal because you are not going to talk about a cabal even in your sleep or else” is too long.
|> Anyway, isn’t it more of a “Family”?
Mozam (Wetwork, Logistics, Extraction, Support, Political Force, Public Face)
Juniper (Wetwork, Logistics, Extraction, Support, political force)
Bliss (Requisition Officer, Communications)
Elspeth (Wetwork, Counter-Assaination)
Ghilana (Extraction, Logistics, Support)
Celest (Intel)
Momo (Political Force, Public Face) (if she is going to take this seriously)
|> I didn’t think Momo was in the loop on operations that don’t involve her directly. Is she a “made man” or more of a “friend of ours”, or “business partner” ?
A(May 29ish)- Momo is a made man if she wants in.
|> Momo totes wants to be a made man. She will start being rude to waitresses and overtipping. “Who you want me kill?”
|> I thought Comms was Ghilana more than Bliss, who is just a message drop and safe house “lamplighter”
Cabal Operations
-Find BazDad (Celest)
-Run emancipation operations (Ghilana)
-Info Gathering on Carse (Celest) |> handing off to Peaches and Elspeth
-Assassinate still functioning doom leadership (Elspeth on point with Ghilana running support and extraction)
|> I’m not clear on the details of this op.
Alex – june 9th – We haven’t tried to assassinate anyone yet.
-Info Gathering Drow (Momo)
|> drow under fire giants hall are probably same as the ones fighting the Stone Mountain dwarves.
-Info Gathering on submarine guy from the hobbit isles (Celest)
|> nobody knows anything about the sub
-Increase Momo’s power and influence (If she’s in)
-Increase Moz’s power and influence
-Recruit more intel/counter assasination operatives
Next steps: The thieves guild in Jonril was in disarray after the odengas collapsed, I think the Zolan’s bought the thieves guild bar?? But I am not sure. I should visit or send an operative to recruit. Elspeth might be a good choice because of her history.
|> some of the Jonril thugs know and fear Elspeth, but nobody there knows Celeste. So they both might come in handy. It’s a Gregor Zolan question
A(May 29ish)- I’m under the impression elspeth successfully took over the thieves guild in Jonril. Is that accurate?
|> You run the thieves guild in Jonril, but you have to pick someone and leave them in charge of it locally. They have to be in Jonril, not just visit it. They have to be a scary person with good charisma, and lots of smarts about dealing with sketchy people.
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