Grognak’s services were given to me by Adria in exchange for services rendered on double world. I have set him up on the shoat with a tattoo shop on the shoat. He has plenty of Orcs to practice on. 


Next Steps: Check back in and see how the tattooing is going. 


   |> He’s doing hobbits too.

A(May-6ish yr 3) When picking up and or dropping Momo for training I would like to check in on how Grognak’s progress is coming along with enchanted tattoos, I will give him the exotic inks I ordered from the spell jammer crew (if they have come in yet), and ask if he needs anything else to continue his research.

|> Grognak is still on the Shoat doing tattoos in whatever space is available like sailors always have done. He is doing traditional luck tattoos (vs. drowning, shipwreck, and falling, etc.) and still getting used to the new universe. He has an ongoing ink connection with Tralana through the hobbit mage guild.