Mags was a good leader for the area. She needs to be reinstated. 


Next step: figure out the situation in carse 


|> Magges was on the western frontier last month, fighting gorrogres and mud giants and staying out of politics. You did a sending with the other mage from Magges Keep, the one you got a Heal for – name? It seemed like maybe this assignment was sort of a punishment for both of them.


|> She’s fighting mud giants in the hills on the edge of the Leaden Waste, at the headwaters of the Theln River.




Island Plot hook – Far out to sea. 240 miles to the south of Veracargil. 30 miles by 10 miles island. Complicated saltwater harbor. Devastated by Dragons. Theory that there is a dragon horde. Bronze or brown. Whoever slays the dragon owns the Island. Island of red forests.