The Sanitorium is complete. It is located in Admetuse’s jurisdiction on his plane.
Current patients
Barth’s Son
The two heads of the big fog town families
One Armed Elf Boy Purchased as a slave (Driven insane when tattoo arm was cut off)
Deals to make it happen:
Admeetus asked me to take over Zues’s opps on Erday. I told Admeetus I didn’t realize this was such a large ask and said I would find another place where I would be less of a bother to the residents (Etiquette proficiency). He relented and basically said sluffing erday off on me was worth a shot. Because I was doing this for Saska and to fight doom Admeetus would host the facility at no charge.
Mr. Mystery took full advantage of his monopoly on psychosurgery and really charged me an arm and leg for his services, though I suspect my agreement to his terms was part of the reason he also gave me the mindlink, and the protective psionic device which is still being made.
-I am to politically support the Ys/Spooks claim to Merton’s Wood. They intend to secure the gateway with fairy. As part of this deal I will be allowed unlimited access to the gate.
|> as long as anyone has access. Your contact Mistory thinks they will keep the gate open for a few secret VIPs
A(May 29ish)- This has become complicated, the gate is more difficult to operate than anyone expected. Mystery also declined to send a resident gate team after getting an idea of what would be required. Does that mean I’m off the hook on this one? Or must things be renegotiated? Or really does mystery just want free use of the gate and thats what this is about?
|> Mistory’s bottom line is that some Spooks want to go back and forth to Faerie at will. It’s probably better if this is not a secret from Staghorn. Daylor says you can start from the position that you are from ys and you are the spook in charge of this gate. Depends how much you want to delegate after that.
A(June 9th yr 3) Now that Juniper is “Linked” with the gate (along with the rest of the party) is gate research, and making one person passes something she can work on by herself or does she need the entire party in the changing lands to make any progress?
-I am to politically support the Ys/Spook claim to Gilling’s bloody crown (if it doesn’t explode) They intend to secure the gateway to other dimensions. As part of this deal I will be allowed unlimited access to the gates.
|> as long as anyone has access. The other side of that gate might be a place that risky to have in direct contact with Yartha
A(May 29th yr 3)- It seems like no one wants the damn thing. Is Mystery ready to send a team to the bloody crown or has his priorities changed?
|> once the bad guys are out of the Crown, who controls it? Again, you can say that your control of that gate is both Ys control and Spook control – but who do you delegate to? The two towers that control that gate need to be not crewed by orcs, giants, or other people Ys hates. They’ve got to be your people, or else people the Spooks come up with.
-I am to arrange an introduction with either MoonPool or Lemony (their choice) with an acquaintance of theirs. I have guarantees that the meeting will be tasteful, and that my friend (Lemony or MoonPool) will not be harmed or pressured in any way.
A(May 29th yr 3)- I successfully set up a meeting with Moonpool and believe I can now mark this as complete. Do I have any further obligation with this item?
|> no, you are good
Next Steps:
-Talk to Ysobel about Y’s taking over Merton’s Wood (Situation changed and addressed above)
-MoonPool and Lemony are currently at my SouthGate residence. Mr. Mystery has been informed and knows he has a limited time to interview them and set the meet. (Done)
-Talk to the FogTown 3 (Garton and 2 heads of household) about supporting Ys claim to merton’s wood once they are fixed (Situation changed and addressed above)
-Talk to Anla about supporting Y’s claim to Mertons. (Situation changed and addressed above)
|> Staghorn is happy with Anla and or Grugy being Merton Wood security in Yartha. Grugy says part time ok, not full time. Your Spook contacts in Ys are hinting they would like gate access to Faerie now or pretty soon.
-Talk to Barth about supporting Y’s Claim to Gillings
-Talk to Saska and Nieva about supporting Y’s Claim to Gillings
|> Momo probably wants to set up Throck as King of the Mountain Giants as soon as Gilling is conclusively defeated and either in hiding, a captive, or dead. Barth and Yarlin would have to see that Throck has heavy backing. If he does, and if nobody leans too hard on them or pillages them, they will go with it, because they think it will make Goat think twice about attacking them. Any or all of the mountain giants may want to grab some mountain pastures south of their present borders if the orog kingdoms fall apart. It would be good if they can force the Horde down near the coast where Georgia can get her best shot at them. Momo wants to rule the port cities herself… if there’s anything left.
|> Momo wants to rule the mountain giants from the Iron Crown, through Soska or Nieva as a puppet, with Molor or Admetus as ultimate boss in theory, and build a docking station for Molor’s Island. Someone needs to find out if the mountain is definitely not going to blow up.
Spooks from Ys want you to find out more about where the gate to the void goes, and also is the mountain going to blow up.
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