Moon pool is happy in the Hottub (now Coldtub) but eventually would like a natural spring of her own. 


Next Steps: Someone needs to take her pool shopping near Lemony’s Pool.


  |> She’s hanging with Lemony and having fun. She wants a spring where the streams and pools don’t all freeze in the winter time though.

A(may 29ish) I’m confused about if she is at the hot tub or at Lemony’s pool. Or if lemony is at my hot tub. 

|> this got out of your control. Lemony came to Southgate and taught Moonpool to form a transparent “glass girl” body she can walk around with. Moonpool would like to visit Faerie before deciding on a pool, if that’s possible. Moonpool has been hanging out in the Clangeddin shrine screening people for Doom influence and so she is a valued asset where she is.