I need to deliver a fresh psionic gem for the empowerment of my psionic protective item Mr. Mystery is making for me.
Planned Powers from the device are…
2 Psionic defense modes with a radius.
Long range transport powers (if the gem can receive more Umph) or other utility.
Update: Mae now has free time and has been connected with Mystery
Next Step: They need to make it happen. Mae is already in Ys
|>?? she’s in Par Ys probably
|> I think the guy who can make the psionic defense item is The Ancient One and Mistory will show him a big ruby to get him interested. Mae needs to make a big ruby.
A- Check with Mae about big ruby
|> This big ruby is in addition to all the lens work. It can be faceted, spherical, or a lens, but needs to be of exceptional quality.
A(June 18th yr 3) Mae has several rolls to complete it and if she makes a roll it will be in the hands of Mystery the week Mozam is training!
Mystery will be briefed days ahead of time that this will be going down (via mozam’s mindlink) and Juniper will be with Mae as she is making it. The moment Mae successfully completes the ruby, Juniper will teleport to Ys for the immediate hand off. All this is per Mysteries instruction, he has told me the faster we can put it in the hands of the Ancient One the more valuable it is to him. To that end we are going to optimize the hell out of the delivery route with every ounce of magic we can muster. I’ll even bring Ghiliana in if it will save us even a minute faster. Depending on where the hand off is we will be using a truly ridiculous assortment of spells to get this thing in his hand just minutes after its creation.
After he has had time to do whatever it is ancient powerful psionicists do with giant ruby’s here are Mozams thoughts on the item.
Since it needs to be close to my head, an earring or earrings would be ideal (preferably unisex). A mask would also work though would be slightly less preferable. In regard to powers I think I have been told that only 2 of the Psionic defense modes would be useful since it will actually be the item using them but that more things need to be added or there is no downside to adding stuff if youre doing this anyway, I don’t fully remember. I think There was also something about needing other gems for the actual protective item, maybe to power it? The item is being made for a specific opponent so I think tailoring it to battle him specifically could be a good plan. A battle psionicist would know far more about this than I do and would love to know if “mr. gentle on the battlefield” or “mr scorched earth” have any thoughts, but I don’t know if they are willing to advise. To my uneducated way of thinking the priority list would go as follows (and I’m throwing out a bunch since I dont know whats possible or not).
1. Psionic defenses (obviously)
- Knowing if I’m being messed with or attacked psionically (i don’t know if this is something the defenses or item will do inherently but I thought it worth mentioning)
- Breaking Psionic connections I don’t want.
- Bang you’re dead stuff or anything that will make him really think twice about connecting with me again. Even if it’s a small chance of success it can push the risk/reward of messing with my head into “it’s just not worth the 5% chance”. (Plus after the phantasmal killer incident I bet he is going to be pretty risk averse for a while)
- Covering my thoughts from psionicists poking around but not targeting me specifically. Like if I’m wandering around invisible and there’s a psionicist(s) scanning for invisible people.
- Determining if someone else has been messed with psionically.
- Anything useful verse powerful demons.
8. Utility stuff such as Fly, teleport, other detection.
Mozam is chaotic Neutral and his ego is 40
My Minimum ego is 29 so no matter how smart he makes this thing or what he teaches it to do there shouldn’t be any chance of it overpowering my will.
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