Yttro and I are currently even but I’m up to bat with a chance to earn 2 more favors by power leveling and training Rue up to 5th level.


Next Step: Train Rue to first level


   |> Silvia says that Rue is not the most patient girl she’s ever met. …”Where’s Mine?”    If she can tell Rue, “Boss is a busy guy but you are on the list right after Juniper trains” that’s better than “Oh, real soon now”.

A(May 26is)- Yttro Stopped by my home, I’d like to ask bliss about his visit.

Alex – June 9th – I was wrong about 5th level, the deal with power leveling and training to 3rd, as per the original email. Rune has been trained to 3rd.

Next step: Sending to Yttro

|> Yttro is aware of owing Mozam two favors